What Is Going On Here?

I do understand where you are coming from, and I agree that a lot of women sometimes overreact, but it remains a fact that a lot of these encounters truly ARE scary for a woman alone. Your text makes it seem like sexual assault isn't creepy (I hope you just worded it wrong) and that is really disturbing for me.

You may not think it's creepy if some random guy follows you and starts talking about how much he wants to 'split you in two', but the first thing I think in a situation like that is "shit, this guy is stronger than I am, probably faster, if he decides to try to rape me, assault or even kill me there's not much I can do..." and if you're going to say I overreact in these situations; maybe. But I've had enough encounters that ended very badly, so I'm not going to take my chances when something happens.

Different people find different things creepy. For example, I like clowns and will not find it disturbing at all, and demented or mentally disabled people are just people if you know how to deal with them. I understand other people find it creepy if someone with a handicap starts licking them, but since my sister has a handicap and I work with kids and adults like her, it's just funny to me. But I do shiver when reading a lot of these almost-assault stories.

The stories I don't personally find creepy on here are a mix of different things, including some of the 'guy acts creepy but leaves me alone' stories. But please, by calling it ' "oh my god, someone LOOKED at me with their EyEs" type posts', you really underestimate the impact such events have on women (and men alike) and you seem to make all the almost-rape stories ridiculous. I get your point, but please try to understand the difference between 'a guy in walmart asked me out' and (like you said it) 'a dude stared at me and said words'. Those words are often direct threats. If some random idiot starts staring and starts threatening to torture you (and yes, rape and sexual assault ARE torture), you'd find it creepy too.

So could you maybe try to make a difference in your mind between posts of someone overreacting and posts of girls who almost got raped/assaulted/killed? I'm not saying you are being insensitive or mean, just saying it's wrong to generalize these things, even if you personally don't find it creepy

rant over, sorry.

ps: if you don't mean it that way, you could prevent useless discussions by adding some nuances

pps: not a native speaker, sorry for mistakes

/r/LetsNotMeet Thread Parent