What is a good and healthy relationship supposed to be like? Every woman I talk to also tells me a lot of the things I experienced in my first one are what every woman is like.

The short answer is that relationships are whatever you and your partner(s) want it to be and no, not all women are like that, just sounds like yours has r/AnxiousAttachment. It's up to you whether to keep trying, a good strategy might be to communicate early on (within the first few months, for example) and directly talk about boundaries and how much time you want to commit to each other, how available you're able to be, etc.

In my experience everyone has different thresholds for how much time they want with their partner. Mu long distance partner likes to text in sporadic conversations throughout the day, anywhere from 5-100 texts total each day, and call on average 1-4 hours a day, 2-5 days a week for an average of about 8 hours calling a week. I admit I would enjoy up to 3x as much communication, but my partner correctly points out that we need time apart to be separate people and keep conversations interesting. I can't really imagine being with someone I don't actively want to spend my time with - because what's the point? - but logically I understand that to stay healthy, we must also have and enjoy time apart, too.

However, I am friends with a long distance couple who are in call every second that they're not in school/work, and a few irl couples who meet like once or twice a week and maybe text a few times a day in between. So really it varies a lot by your needs and your partner's needs, and what solution you agree on so that everyone is fulfilled. And emotional needs vary a ton from person to person. Yes, there are low-maintenance women, they do exist. There is no guarantee you'll find one who's an eligible match for you but that's life.

/r/dating_advice Thread