What is good self hosted alternative for https://1ty.me/ ?


Maybe one of these has the feature.

https://github.com/132ikl/liteshort there is this: you can edit function get_long(short) of liteshort.py to be ​

def get_long(short):
    row = query_db('SELECT long FROM urls WHERE short = ?', (short,), True)
    if row and row['long']:
        return row['long']
    return None

or call another query:

def get_long(short):
    row = query_db('SELECT long FROM urls WHERE short = ?', (short,), True)
    if row and row['long']:
        get_db().cursor().execute('DELETE FROM urls WHERE short = ?', (deletion,))
        return row['long']
    return None

You can make it a config option and commit to the project if you like it

/r/selfhosted Thread