What is the goriest thing you have seen in real life?

I was standing at the top of a stairwell with some friends, chatting and getting ready to head out when this guy walks up to us. He looks us right in the eyes, puts both hands on the railing, boosts himself up to full extension and leans forward over the rails. Does one and a half flips on the way down and lands head first on the very bottom step, maybe 25+ feet down. The sound was bone chillingly loud. I remember we thought we saw his teeth fly out as his head hit the stair, but when we ran down to check on him it was the grout from the tiles. He shook the stairs so violently all the grout shot out from the bottom Step. Neck was snapped sideways, and head split open. Thought he was dead for sure, but then he started making awful choking noises and gurgling.

Gave me Chills looking over railings for a bit

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