What a great dad

repeated exactly what he was saying

....I really didn't.

In laymen terms:

His comment - "The dad does [x] despite tragedy, what a good person."

My version - "The dad does [x] because of the tragedy itself, what a good person."

If I misinterpreted his comment, then please tell me because otherwise I'm certain that I didn't just and only echo his statement.

Because otherwise the sentiment should've been "some people making the world a better place because of going through very tough shit" as opposed to "some people going through very tough shit and still making the world a better place."

Sure, one can argue that the end result is still the same, that the Dad is making the world a better place.

But I'm in the belief that there's an important distinction to be made here.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it