What do you guys think about joining the military?

Btw, this has been discussed multiple times on this sub:

CultureShould asian-americans be pro U.S. military service.

See the top reply by /u/countercom2:

NEVER EVER. So many reasons

● They're your enemies past and present. Committing mass rape, genocide, plunder us and then rewriting history to make them look like "saviors". These pieces of shit are currently inciting conflict around Asia.

● They're evil. Go read a book about western imperialism past and present. Like War is a Rackett, War is a Lie, Overthrow: The American Century of Regime Change from Iraq to Hawaii, and for you Vietnamese - Kill Anything that Moves (the real story in Vietnam).

● They've brainwashed a large chunk of your own women to hate you..while they're fucking them for free.

● Asians get shat on in the military...and everywhere else.

● You'll have the blood of innocents on your hands.

● Assuming you serve honorably (which is impossible, considering you're part of the Department of Genocide), then what? Look at the all Japanese purple heart battalion. They're the most heavily decorated group who were sent on suicide missions by white racists. You get asexual clown roles played by white guys in yellowface in such "classics" as Breakfast at Tiffany's.

● If you have any romantic notions of the west saving us from WW1 and WW2. Remember, THESE "CHRISTIAN" SACKS OF SHIT FOUGHT OVER COLONIES. In other words, these "heroes" fought over the right to rape, slaughter, enslave, and plunder non-white countries.

more reasons:

● There is a rape epidemic within the military. Guess whose ass is going to be loved long time by these "soldiers"? The Invisible War (2012) - IMDb

● As a veteran, you'll be given psychiatric drugs to make you suicidal. This is intentionally done to lower their costs as many suffer expensive life long PTSD and/or physical disability. Suicides are an engineered epidemic.

● All those fancy benefits those recruiters promised you? Ya, there's lots of fine print. Most enlistees don't qualify.

● Anybody who thinks being in the military is great for "da skillz", why are many veterans unemployed? Outside of the American Department of Genocide, raping and killing civilians isn't very useful. Those technical jobs must be useful right? No, they're highly specialized. You won't be operating or repairing radars at the office.

● Whose got your six bruh?? FUCKING BITCHMADE DICKLESS COWARDS. Do you realize that Imperial Japan took over all the South East Asian colonies from the west in 5 months? Where were these white rugged heroes™ to defend them?? Running away...but they're real tough when it comes to raping defenseless women and children.

80% of Imperial Japan was held down by China. The vast majority of Hitler's army was destroyed by Russia alone. The "heroic" west - came in at the last minute and claimed all the credit when it was China and Russia who lost some 30 million people. America for example, lost around 420,000 (edited).

truth about military service

anti war

say no to bases

Fighting for the west is like fighting for the serial rapist / murderer who raped your grandmother and set your grandfather on fire and calls you a chink who doesn't respect human rights.

/r/AsianMasculinity Thread