What do you guys think of ENTJs?

I don't know if you're talking about a romantic relationship or a business relationship so what I'm going to say may not apply. I'll be speaking from a business standpoint.

Your fit with an INFP could be good but maybe not for the reasons you're thinking. I used to work for an ENTJ in a CPA office (just him and I). He was my boss and he was the best boss I ever had. He built the business himself. He had a vision, built the business with precision step by step. Nothing got in his way. Any obstacle that came his way he'd always overcome it. He also had systems set up for every aspect of the business. He told me that we did the work of a seven or eight person office. We were so efficient that it ran like clockwork with just him and I.

We were two very different people and our personality types were so polar opposite but we actually complemented each other. As you know all personality types have their strengths and weaknesses. His strengths were my weaknesses. My strengths were his weaknesses. For example he would sometimes run roughshod over some clients not thinking about their feelings (we lost several clients because of this). This is something I never did in the 10 years that I worked for him. I was more intuitive/creative. He was more rational/decisive. On the other hand I wasn't as quick on my feet (my weakness). He could pinpoint a problem with precision and he was 99% right on just about everything. This always blew my mind.

I don't know about other INFP's but I would never call him out if he was being an a-hole. That was not my style. Other INFP's may be different. I've got more to say but you get the picture. We worked really well with each other. Him dominant and me more submissive. I don't think this is a bad thing for either of us. It's just who we were.

Oh and I recall the person that worked with him before me was an NT of some sort. They always clashed and argued. Being two brash persons in one small office. There was always a battle of the wills with these two and it didn't work. This person told my boss to take a flying leap right before tax season. I don't think he ever forgave him.

/r/infp Thread