What do you guys do for socializing? 25 year old deaf dude

Okay so you think your culture has been oppressed but I haven't? If you guys are oppressed then why do you oppress new people trying to join?

I think I have a pretty thick skin compared to the deaf culture. I came in fully prepared to accept everyone only to find them to be extremely sensitive and sometimes even outright hostile.

Deaf culture aside there are some great deaf people who I have befriended but they have decided to stay out of the deaf culture for the same reasons I have. You guy are very fragile and cannot handle any criticism and this is why the deaf culture WILL die overtime.

It may not die completely but the form it is now is temporary for two reasons:

1.) You refuse to include people who are in the same boat as you on the basis that they haven't taken classes or read books about you guys because you guys are so fragile you have to be handled with like eggshells.

2.) Hearing assistances are increasing due to modern science allowing deaf people who would've been dependent on your culture to branch out and go to alternative settings. And with the way you people have been dealing with new people.... They will.

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