What do you guys think of Judas Iscariot?

Used by Satan as a vehicle. When Satan left, he was left uninfluenced in his consciousness - he then killed himself.

The same way Jesus said to Peter get behind me Satan. Interesting he was speaking to Peter, but Jesus knew he was actually being used as a vehicle by Satan and therefore addressed the illegitimate hijacking ‘driver’ (at that time) of Peter’s meat suit and not Peter.

If you need help thinking about this, consider the movie the matrix. I know it’s just a movie but there is a scene that illustrates nicely the real spiritual concept, in my opinion.

Neo is being shown around in a simulation of the simulation by Morpheus to learn how to fight. The woman in the red dress transforms into an agent (enemy). This portrays nicely the level of control Satan (or one of his goons) would have over someone if he decided to use them as a vehicle. Obviously in reality the person doesn’t morph into a different being. But the morphing serves as demonstration; although not physically visible, the person does become someone else. Yes it’s a movie, but I think that scene aligns nicely with a genuine and applicable concept. I’ve encountered and picked up on people around me being used as a vehicle quite a few times.

If the person is not apt in defending their consciousness (which is only really, realistically achievable, if the person has the Holy Spirit) they are susceptible to being used as a vehicle by a low vibrational spirit. Or even perhaps the chief of said entities.

Our battle is not with flesh and blood, but with the … etc.

it’s the spirit behind that matters.

/r/Christianity Thread