What happened to 1992 vs. 2022?

I’m not a troll or a racist. You have a point here I forgot all about this. You’re right at least we don’t have to worry about terrorism anymore did you know what happened in 1992? About 10 stories of the World Trade Center collapsed. It was partially what it was on 9/11. Plus we had the gulf war, The Iraq war, The Kuwait war, Bill Clinton did some terrible horrible things, and we had rising crime in the United States I mean the crime was an epidemic I mean we had drugs we had heroin we had cocaine we had robbers we had police to captured people like OJ Simpson it wasn’t just O.J. Simpson millions of people did what OJ Simpson did. Also we had never cross the street without an adult as children we also had the stop drop and roll epidemic with firefighters teaching kids also in addition to that not to play with matches or talk to strangers. Plus parents had to take their kids with them everywhere because they were worried about if they left them home alone which they could do they were worried about fires or stuff like this or like remember what happened with Connor Clapton Eric Clapton‘s son falling out of a window? Didn’t that happened in 1992? People don’t leave windows open like that anymore. It’s Christmas now I was watching home alone the movie to get me in the spirit today at one point. Home alone came out about that time the story of Kevin was also during this epidemic it reminded me now that you mentioned it. I forgot all about these bad things it was horrible! It was a bad deal I forgot all about this!

/r/GenX Thread Parent