What happened during development that led to the game we have now? Why did it fail?

I think I'm sick and tired of these posts, filled with people who are soooo knowledgeable about everything that is wrong and everything that should have been done instead. People who should have left here long ago and who went into the game with grossly unrealistic expectations, players who, probably, we're never going to love this game in the first place but somehow got swept up in the pre-release hype. I think I'm sick of every pompous know-it-all expert declaring every person at hello games is a cash-grabber who needs a new career path.

Wanna know what I really think? This post, which has been rephrased and recycled at least 100 times on here is the last gasp of people who need to move the hell on, get the hell out of here, shut the hell up. Why are you still here????

Why. Are. You. Still. Here.

Not just you OP, but everyone who is participating in this circlejerk which has gone on for two solid months now until waaay past the point of futility and uselessness... no more "will the last person here turn out the lights" or "here's my post mortem" shitposts. Just leave. Bye. Good riddance and good bye.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread