What Happened to Nintendo's Hardware Quality?

Well hello there u/razorbeamz. You're quite the coward sending me a message and then banning and muting me so I couldn't reply, or you thought I couldn't reply. Looks like you won't be getting the last word. You are a coward and a pussy. How about YOU go fuck YOURself with a rusty spoon, actually make it a rusty knife. I don't think a spoon would be painful enough. Oh and, you're going to be hearing a lot from me. Now, since you're a coward I'm sure your probably pretty worried right now that I am going to follow you around reddit telling everyone how big of a coward you are. Which is exactly what is going to happen.

The official holocaust story has been disproven by science many times. There is zero evidence to that's supports the theory that the Germans ever planned or carried out a program for the systematic extermination of millions of Jews in gas chambers.

More and more people are learning of the truth and speaking out. Gotta be scary for those who would seek to enslave others through the financial system.

Why is it always the Jews who are vilified? What have they done to deserve that?

If you run into an asshole on your way to work, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day long, you are the asshole.

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