What happened to the timelines?

You had no call to make things personal. You are not within your rights to do that, and you know it. You want to ask me a question about the content of the sub you don't participate in? You can PM me, or message the mods. The entire thread you made was about public confrontation because you feel entitled to do that.

As I wrote before, with no reply from you, I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere. No one is going to miss me when I'm gone, because I'm not leaving. You assumed I must be deleting my account? Why would you think that? And why wouldn't you concede, "Oh, I must have been mistaken about that. Sorry for being such a jerk."

As to the rest of it, if you and I were in a room alone, and you told me that I'm just being dramatic, and my actions are going to backfire, I'd be within rights to consider that aggressive, a put down, and an only slightly veiled attempt at intimidation.

Since we're on a forum with other people, think of it this way: We're in a space with others reading. As some sort of performance you announced to the community that I am just being dramatic and my actions are going to backfire.


Everyone recognizes that your comments for what they are. Some are upvoting you for it because reddit is the place where people celebrate and reward take-downs, which probably leads you to think that it's completely okay to be familiar, in this way.

You don't comment here. Why make these comments now, apart from feeling entitled to initiate a public shake down? There is no call for you to make things personal. I stand by the way I characterized your comments.

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