What happened at a wedding that let you know the marriage was going to end in a divorce?

This comment brought back major emotions for me. Me and my now husband, engaged for a few weeks, in the midst of filling out invitations. I'm on the computer one evening while he is at work while I'm doing invitations. A messenger message pops up from some "collegegirlblahblahblah" saying "hey! It was really nice talking to you the other day! Are you busy?". Ok so at first I'm thinking it must be the wrong person. So I message back "who is this?" and they respond with some girls name. At this point I start getting paranoid. So I start talking to this girl pretending to be my fiance (in case it WAS for him and I NEEDED to know). So we are talking and I'm thinking... How can I convince this girl I'm my fiance AND get out of her what they talked about/when they talked? So I come up with the idea to say "so my fiance is pretty upset. I told her about how we talked and she's mad but she won't say why". At this point the girl responds "I would be mad too.". Ugh. So I ask simply "why?" and she goes into detail about everything they talked about on the phone when he had called her TO INVITE HER TO OUR WEDDING. The conversation (to sum up) was "do you still love me? Did you ever love me?". So I get out of the convo with all the info I need. Ironically just before my fiance comes home from work. When he came to the door I blocked it. I opened it for a moment, threw my ring at him and said "fuck you" and closed the door, locked it. He clearly had a key so that didn't do much so I locked myself in my room. At this point I get back on the computer and message her telling her who she actually had been talking to the whole time. I'm not sure how, but somehow I had gotten her number. So then I called her. I was calm and when she answered she sounded defeated. She said she was soooooo sorry. I asked her what they talked about and she told me more. I then hung up on her and started blasting The Cranberries. My fiance tried to talk but it didn't work. I didn't know what to say. After repeating the album about 14 times I came out. I told him he had to get my trust back and the wedding was off. I'm not sure he got my trust back for that, considering he still to this day tries to lie about what happened making it sound like it was all her and he was simply inviting her to the wedding. (why???). But we got married. Been married 13 years now. This STILL bothers me to this day. He hasn't done anything since to make me not trust him. But this still bothers me. Especially considering we moved to his hometown about 7 years ago, the bitch has been to his parents house acting like she has some special friendship with them (had to hear all about that), his sister is friends with her and on Facebook they always are liking each other's shit and she lives a couple blocks away with her now husband and kids. I think I block this shit out because it bothers me so much. But it was a long time ago. But he did lie about it. Ugh.... Here we go again with the hurt and anger :(

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