What happened at your work which caused multiple people to all quit at once?

Not me, but one of my best friends. Let’s call him Donnie.

Donnie was a doorguy at a local downtown bar and had gotten fired for not recognizing Trevor Noah. (He asked Trevor Noah for his ID; Noah pulled the ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ thing.)

This was a few years ago. The bar has a group chat that the boss uses to text all the employees with. Even though Donnie was fired years ago, he is still is included on the list. He’s mentioned it a few times in the chat that HEY I DON’T WORK HERE QUIT TEXTING ME but no one pays attention.

About a year ago, the boss mass texted everyone that there was a mandatory meeting Sunday morning at 9 am. Three hours worth of learning “customer skills”. If you work in the industry, you know that these meetings are complete bullshit...and also, after getting off a long Saturday night shift around 4 am, the last thing you want to do is be back at the damn bar at 9 am.

So Donnie gets the text and immediately replies, “Fuck that. I quit.” Within the next hour, everyone else had quit too.

The meeting was canceled and Donnie was finally taken off the group chat. We don’t know what happened after that.

/r/AskReddit Thread