What happens to my current exp when the lvl requirement resets back to 9k again? Does it wipe?

They designed this battle pass to fuck us over. Completely deceiving. Since when is this BP faster to grind than S1?

54K per level is unacceptable. They just want us to spend more time on the BP to not quit the game. The purpose of the challenges is to bring players back every day/week.

Fuc* challenges. I don’t wanna have to knockdown somebody in Wetlands or Runoff. With a legend I don’t even play.

I paid for this battle pass so lemme fucking grind it myself without somebody telling me how to do it. I’m not even level 20 as of right now because the grind depends on the challenges. And grinding a 54K takes a whole day for me.

F*** Respawn and its developers. Stop trynna turn us into robots and let us play the way we want to instead of being obliged to play a certain way to upgrade a feature I paid for. (BP)

/r/apexlegends Thread