What happens to poor public servants if we strike?

Are these top ups people talk about, loans?

I'm jealous of people who can prepare for a strike. Mine will be seeking weekend work through a temp agency. I'm a low level middle aged public servant. Not exactly in the demographic sought by employers...

I personally have no idea how we'll get by if we have to strike, but I know that we all need to send the TB a strong message that they're being idiotic.

As for those who have no choice to be cross a picket line, I 100% understand and don't begrudge them for it. People can literally be financially ruined, and any raises can take years to offset wages lost during a sustained strike.

I know my wife inquired about crossing when the school support staff went on strike. Her union flat out said she'd lose her job. That it's in the collective bargaining agreement that ALL members must be in good standing in order to qualify for employment, and that they would no longer be in good standing if they went in to work during the strike. And then they didn't offer any words of advice on how to supplement her income.

/r/CanadaPublicServants Thread