What happens when the public loses faith in the Supreme Court?

As far as I can tell, there are really 5 options for people to consider, with each somehow being worse than the last:

(1) Do "Nothing." Spend decades electing new senators and presidents who will replace the members first Court in history to actually vote to remove constitutional freedoms as they retire.

(2) Pack the Court. If you double the number of justices every 4 years, then mathematically, we could all end up on the Supreme Court some day.

(3) Impeach the bad judges Because impeachment is a thing that our system can totally do in an efficient and responsible way whenever there's a clear and direct threat to our democra--

(4) Violence. Please don't pick this one.

(5) Completely ignore the Court's authority and let the government do whatever it wants. We tried that. And by "we," I mean humans. Specifically those humans living in Germany around 1933. It didn't go well.

In the end, the US will get through this one. We have survived bad Courts and bad decisions before. It's just going to require wading through a lot of shit until we find our way to the other side.

/r/law Thread Parent Link - vox.com