What do happy people have in common?

I had a really bad childhood and was alone for most of my adolescence. It's only just recently that I started having friends and even being able to talk to people and go outside. I still catch myself overthinking and assuming the worst in situations, but the fact that I catch myself is good. I would genuinely say I'm a very happy person now.

I don't have many expectations for the day, and if bad things happen I always try to see what good can come out of that at all. If something isn't going the way I want it to (taking too long on things at work, trying to merge into a lane), I always try to think ahead instead of focusing on what happened. It's easy to try to focus on what you did wrong, especially in things like social situations. You're going to make mistakes. And that's good. I wish someone had told me that sooner in life, but oh well. Make mistakes and learn from them. That's how I became a well-adjusted and happy person.

/r/AskReddit Thread