What do you hate the most about reddit?

I reckon you’d have to go into some detail about the specifics of what your belief system consists of. I’ve been browsing reddit for probably 6 or 7 years at this point and I’ve started to recognize I have absorbed a lot of the negativity, cynicism, and fatalism that tends to be rampant on Reddit.

This seems to have, at least in part, created a sort of mindset within me where ideas like “I’m not born rich so I’ll never succeed” and “why try at something if I’ll never be the best at it” and “everything’s fucked up and there’s nothing I can do to make the world a better place” have churned together for years and made me feel like nothing I do matters and that I have no real control over my life.

But fairly recently I’ve started to recognize that pattern and I’m trying to shed that mindset and instead internalize ideas like “I don’t need to change the entire world to change my life” and “I may not be the best but actually trying to do something is the only way to make progress.” Stuff like that.

So really it just depends if your belief system has led/is leading you down a place you want to be in life or if you think you need to make a change.

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