What the hell am I going to do about windows 7

Yeah the biggest problem there is I once had someone tell me my wifi router was too old and had leaky capacitors and was outdated and dangerous , turns out it was just a setting i messed up and 3 years after they said that it works fine.

had someone tell me my car was too old and unsafe , 10 years later it still works fine

had someone tell me it was time to replace my phone 4 years later its also still fine.

What are you gonna do two weeks from now when my windows 7 is exactly the same and nothing has changed? nothing

Also , news flash...... nowhere did I say this was fact , this is my opinion of my situation.... which just so happens to be fact for me.

if you dont know how to use something other than windows 10 then its the perfect os for you i guess

/r/windows Thread Parent