What the hell did Jaclyn Hill do to her face?

It's hard to get all this negative reaction this is getting. Are we going to ignore some things are going wrong here? First of all yes, what most of the Instagram "influencers", YouTube make-up gurus (whatever the hell that means) and such do is *dipping their faces in makeup* and it is alright if this phrase disturbs you.

I am nowhere against makeup or plastic surgery. It is more than normal for anyone to feel the need to cover up or change something he or she doesn't feel good about. Both men and women do it, and it is great that we have the opportunity to do so.

What I am concerned here was, the tragicomic fact that some people think they can empower women while transforming themselves into that stereotypical woman what the media calls beautiful now. Believe or not, new generations from all around the world are influenced by these people, and they are consciously or unconsciously promoting self hate and standardisation of beauty.

I know nothing about this woman at all except for her to be a YouTuber who makes makeup videos and therefore it probably was wrong for me to run into a conclusion about her. However, whenever I see someone looking like her and *women empowerment* in the same sentence, it just doesn't make any sense to me. I mean, you can't promote the unnatural and "perfect" look of women, and at the same time empower them. This is pure hypocrisy. I just can't find any of these people innocent and honest at all. And if she owns a makeup line, of course it is normal for her to promote further, as expected. Of course she'd not support the natural and confident look.

What a real empowering woman would do is to become great at whatever she does, especially in those man-dominated fields.

Maybe this will be an explanation to why I used the word objectification.

But again, "*about her*": I don't know her well, maybe she owns a revolutionary makeup line, and is doing what she does to empower women who wants to do makeup, instead of doing this all for money as other Youtubers who own makeup lines.

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