What the hell is going on in China? Is this like the Hong Kong protests, or is it different?

The problem here is people broke the law and engaged in deceptive business and are facing the consequences. If you think of the CPC as an omniscient presence across the entire PRC, then you misunderstand their society. This took place in a special economic zone, which is essentially an area of China where the CPC doesn’t have the power amassed to constantly keep capitalists in check, and so they came to an arrangement of concession with Capital owners.

You can’t just wish upon a star and have perfect anarcho-communism appear, it’s a long, arduous process of conditioning society to operate significantly differently, in order to ensure it remains self sufficient and capable of defending itself against reactionary forces. If China hadn’t made the reforms they did to allow multinational companies, like Foxconn, to do business there, remaining capital owners and religious aristocracy would use their influence to destabilize the PRC to a point that would likely bring about its collapse, which would have a devastating effect on hundreds of millions of people. The CPC has been swiftly moving forward in taking action against companies like Foxconn, and you will likely see them punished for this if you continue to follow what’s happening.

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