What helps depression for you?

My depressive episode has been going on almost 4 years now. My current big things for when it's more out of control are

  • Increasing therapy appointments to 2 times a week, and be willing to have a higher level of care if needed
  • Forcing myself to go for a walk on my lunch break (bonus: on the walk you might meet a friendly dog who wants to be petted)
  • Getting store made pizza dough, sauce, toppings, and making myself little personal pizzas throughout the week, or buying a special food thing like salmon, sushi, fresh berries, or diet soda
  • Making sure to get enough water, fruit, and veggies
  • Doing creative hobby stuff, even if it's not as enjoyable/productive as it normally is
  • Shower regularly (play favorite music or youtube videos in the bathroom if it helps, whatever gets my ass in the shower)
  • Looking at cute animal pics/vids, asking my friends to send me pics of their pets
  • Video chatting with friends, play video games or watch tv/movies together
  • Buying whatever small special thing I normally wouldn't, eg fairy lights, plushie, graphic t-shirt. It doesn't fix things, but doing any small good thing for yourself is better than nothing and can help you over the hump of active suicidal ideation.
/r/bipolar Thread