What helps a woman appear more attractive to you?

Her being comfortable in her own skin. My best friend is this stereotypical heavier goth girl and gets made fun of for her looks and her weight. Yet she's the one person I'm the closest to. She has called me her anti-depressant and all that. When she and I are single, we would feed each other ice cream while we cuddled and watched a film.

Yet with other women I have met who are like her, they always self sabotage themselves. Some women like that just don't seem to think that they need to put in the effort that guys in their situation might. I see lots of questions coming from gals like that in this sub every day, and they just seem to only want advice or to hear what they want to hear. They don't want to do much to improve upon themselves and just act like everyone else should put up with them and all that.

/r/AskMen Thread