What is Higgs mechanism?

That, is a very specific and a very relevant question.

The number of individuals assigned to rule in heaven together with Jesus Christ are 144.000.

The rest of the surviving individuals will live on eafth, in the same manner that Adam and Eve were originally put on earth.

Reading Genesis 1:28, you will find their objective was to "Be fruitful and become many, fill the earth and subdue it, and have in subjection the fish of the sea and the flying creatures of the heavens and every living creature that is moving on the earth.”.

That is very much in line with the often stated meaing of life "according to biology". To procreate, to thrive, and as we learn after a while of living, hopefully to enjoy it too.

Nothing states that Adam and Eve were put on earth to die and then be judged into some afterlife.

But events unfolded as they did after they did the choices they did, so to say.

/r/quantum Thread Parent