What if...?

Hmm, sure, would be nice but I think highly unlikely (yet). Anyways, for most people who will be able to play in VR that alone will be such a dramatic change that they most likely won't ask for many new features in the "near" future. "Beyond" (excuse the lame pun) that, I think HG has "generated enough revenue" to still go on to add to the game for free (for existing players) and fair enough if they produce a new full price version for new players / platforms. On the other hand, "VR" was often deemed the "most unlikely feature" to be added to NMS for a number of reasons: Perceived small Playerbase capable of playing in VR (because flippin expensive, dizziness, etc. pp.), engine-performance, etc. . And "Lo and behold", VR is being implemented. So it is hard to tell if any of the other "impossible" things the communitiy whishes for are actually "impossible". August will tell :D

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread Link - i.redd.it