What if arbitrations were shorter but faster?

Unless you massively remake all warframes, the way abilities work and interact by design, change enemy AI, remove all hitscan from enemies, change the damage system, particle effects and color code everything in the right way.. so only complete auditory and visual reworks along with complete animation and system/subsytem remakes are needed to achieve fair and skill dependent challenge.

All i have to say for arbitrations is they feel like a waste of time, the stakes are higher, but they require 5mins, or 5waves of me feeling that you are wasting my time by design, which ultimately ensures I won't be running an arbitration for the.. 4th time any time soon. They time required is simply too much on my imaginary gameplay reward to time spent chart and falls under the "not worth it" line.

But hey a few years from now, maybe you'll achieve that in a completely new game.

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