What do I do if my team won't make good macro decisions?

So I'm in silver as well, also I've kinda taken like a 3 month(ish?) break, but something I had started practicing in normals was something like a Quinn top for example. I've run into the same problems where what lost us the game was just poor macro and I would suggest the right call, but well you know the rest. I would run like a utility/obnoxious dueling build (i.e. swifties, ghostblade, FM, BT or IE, then situational from there) and once people would stop listening I'd just split push at whatever lane I either A. Had warded, or b. I already saw enemies on the other side of the map. Ultimately they would either have to contest my team or me, and generally I could 1v1 them no problem. So now, it's a choice between 5v3 or lose a turret possible even a few depending on how much time I have. In the early game of course you need to incorporate healthy amounts of tp ganks and using your ult for roaming. Past 6 with Quinn your lane opponent stops existing, you can get way more done by roaming or simply farming and denying their cs. Quinn is a dueling machine but up until you have items any decent bruiser should wreck just off of one misplay.

/r/summonerschool Thread