What if Orisa doesn't deploy supercharger?

"Shitty ult like Whole Hog"

"Yeah, balance police? I found them. This user here. Take 'em away boys."

For real though, I don't see how it isn't a strong ult. Shieldbreak, knockback and a DELETE button if you bait something into hard-pushing you.

Like... Orisa is a perfect example here. Hitting her Fortify is a guaranteed death warrant against Whole Hog just to the sheer damage output it has, even without a Supercharger or Nano. I can't tell you how many times I've had a Tracer harass me, I pop heal and after getting a good chunk of health back, cancel it with Q to instantly vaporize her while she got aggressive.

Hog has such a good kit in general, even against the stun heavy meta we currently have.

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