What if Roadhog blocked line of sight?

Orisa Javelin does Hog's job better than Hog, unfortunately. Though that may have to do with Orisa being overtuned in the current patch since she currently outcompetes the other tanks in every department.

I was struggling at first to make solo Hog work as well. I've found that you have to be very on-point with your aim (especially right-clicks), positioning, and CD management to draw aggro and make space for your team. You essentially have to constantly create situations to split their focus and you have to back it up with proper fundies to maintain the threat. It's more unforgiving than OW1 in that regard but he's certainly not unplayable by any means.

I do agree that having a bad Hog on your team is very demoralizing. You can practically see the ult advantage slipping through your team's fingers when you have a bad Hog.

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