(What If) What public services could/would humans create if we had full control over gravity? How could we improve pre-existing ones?

Assuming gravity manipulation tech is cost effective ofc.

Building a space elevator would be a lot easier, and we might even go further and build an orbital ring, which would make transcontinental shipping and space exploration a lot cheaper. It would also make most satellites obsolete and could provide fast Internet access almost anywhere on the planet. Adding solar panels to the outside of the ring would provide limitless clean power for ring operations and the countries that host space elevators.

It would allow us to industrialize space and colonize other planets by allowing space ships to dock in orbit and take a train to the surface rather than wasting expensive fuel and spaceship parts on launches and reentry.

On the surface, we would no longer be constrained to 2 dimensional city planning. Buildings could be a lot taller and people would never have to touch the ground because they have floating travel options. Cities could have a much smaller footprint on land, making environmental conservation efforts easier. Hell, you might even have floating cities like Columbia in BioShock Infinite.

/r/whatif Thread