What was "the incident" at your school?

i went to a VERY small VERY broke-down religious school, and the principal was an absolute nut. he would ask students if they heard the voices in the downstairs halls or saw figures, to which we would say no.

he began locking off the classrooms on the lower floor and didn’t allow anyone to enter. then he locked the gym. then the bathrooms, locker rooms, and one of the two main hallways. basically over half the school was inaccessible at this point.

i worked as a secretary’s helper in the school office some days- and i actually overheard him interviewing various exorcists/priests/whatever. it clicked in my head that he was locking everything off because he deadass thought it was haunted. i obviously shared this interesting info with my friends, and naturally we decided to fuck with him by telling him that we in fact have been seeing figures and hearing demonic voices throughout the school recently.

on a sunday night, he sent voicemails to every family describing that the school needs to be “deeply cleansed”. and that it will be reopened on friday.

when we come back, the school reeks of what we assumed was burnt sage, almost everything is unlocked and all is well, although he announced his resignation at the end of that year- but that could have been because of the embezzlement rumors.

also- at the end of the year a group of friends and i broke in to the school at night and went to look through this other door in the basement that had always been locked, to which we found incense(?), oil in the shape of a cross on the walls, lots of small wooden crosses, and a bible. i may still have pictures, will provide if i can find them.

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