What interview red flags did you ignore and accepted the job? What happened after working there – were those warnings right or way off?

My future and soon-to-be-ex boss was completely unemotional during my entire interview. Didn't crack a single joke. Was overall distant and cold, but gave me the job. Turns out she was relatively new and building a new team in her own image.

Within a year, 80% of people in my similar role quit, even though they all had been reporting to someone else entirely. Then I learn their boss left after literally going crazy and going on disability at this person's hands.

And I quickly learned that she was training her minions to act in the same manner as her toward everyone else: rude, pretentious, inconsiderate, stubborn, unwilling to learn new skills, unwilling to take feedback or admit fault. Said minions told me the person who left on disability was faking it. They also got the fastest, highest-level promotions, despite being hilariously incompetent.

If I told you guys what company I work at, those familiar with it would shit their pants at the irony.

TL;DR social fit manners. Don't accept a job at was amounts to the film Mean Girls, or work for someone who can't hold their shit together long enough to act like a human at your interview.

/r/AskReddit Thread