What has irritated/angered you the most in 2018?

Well, it's 2018, we've been at war over half my life; but for some reason we're still holding onto the idea that we should never criticize the military or its members. We've put service members on such a pedestal that I'm watching the military industrial complex grow so out of control our economy has become dependent on going overseas and bombing the shit out of babies. But I'm still supposed to just shut the fuck up, and thank everyone for their service.

I'm also expected to never question paying that on my taxes while in $15,000 worth of student loan debt, with shitty insurance, and no real options to go to a trade school to shore up the fact I made the disastrous decision of majoring in English during the Bush administration. I'm tired of having to pay for actions I find ethically and morally repugnant, then called a leech by right-wingers for wanting something for my tax dollars besides dead brown kids.

/r/AskReddit Thread