What isn't as bad as you thought it would be?

I'm sure nobody will see this but....my current job.

I started 5 months ago.

I remember absolutely not wanting to take it.

It was a job in a job in a factory. I have a college degree. I was told repeatedly in school throughout the 90's that I was suppose to go to college to avoid working in a factory.

Unfortunately though, my degree hadn't done much for me. Granted, I wasn't in a terrible position. Leading up to this job, my previous one had been "ok". I didn't like it or dislike it. I made $15 an hour. By being extremely frugal I had even managed to buy myself a nice little three bedroom house with a big yard. I kept telling myself, "Well, I'll go back to school or do something to eventually get a higher paying job, but I've "got plenty of time."

Suddenly I realized I was 30 and had been saying that for around five years.

My father came to me one day 6 months ago and said he pulled some strings and was able to get me a job at the factory he'd been at the last 44 years.

I absolutely didn't want to take it, but it started off at $22 an hour with amazing benefits. So I bit the bullet. The first week was awful, I hated the decision I made. I thought it wouldn't be worth it, I should call up my old boss and beg for my job back. I stuck it out though and now five months into it....I love the job. The day flies by. Two day a week I pick up overtime, 4 more hours each day. I barely notice the extra 8 hours a week. But that will come out to almost 14 thousand more a year. So I'm making about 28k more than my last job. I nearly doubled my salary. I'm paying extra on my mortgage each month, I've bought a new living room set, I've updated my appliances, I'm getting ready to have my driveway paved in a couple of months, and planning to redo my kitchen and bathroom in the fall. On top of all that I've got money going into a 401k, I've got better health insurance, and a year from now I'll be able to take my first "real" vacation in over 8 years.

/r/AskReddit Thread