What issue should we probably stop ignoring?

If you have simple answers for things in this thread like global warming, crime, and suicide, lets us all know.

I'm giving you the respect of being an articulate human being, and hope to get the same respect in return, this is conversation not combat.

The challenges we're facing right now are comparable to the challenge of addiction; it really is as simple as wanting to quit... and yet it never ends up that simple and usually becomes a substitution rather than cessation. Before you go all reddit on me, please understand I'm an adult with grey hair and personal experience here.

So in the same sense that addiction really is as simple as wanting to quit, we do already know how to address climate change, crime and suicide. We know they will always be part of our world (the climate will remain dynamic even if man curtails our contributions, "crime" as a broad statement can be a matter of opinion but objective harm like violence, theft and oppression are probably always going to be a part of society, as will suicide) but we also know already how to reduce them, we should already know not to let impossible ideals be the enemy of achievable good.

We reduce man's impact on the climate by actively spending our money and time as individuals on those things which prove themselves more sustainable - again not letting imaginary perfection get in the way of achievable good.

We reduce violent crime by undermining its incentive; this again means spending our money and time on people and commerce that we believe promotes circulation of wealth to everybody, to eliminate the motive of desperation. We reduce other kinds of crime not borne of desperation (pedophilia, larceny, etc) by embracing the democratization of surveillance , which we're actually doing pretty well as a society at this point. As William Gibson put it, "You will be known to have done that which you have done" and as this fact soaks into the fabric of society I don't think we'll see as much abuse from those who get away with it today.

We reduce suicide by giving people the opportunity to belong, and we do this by abandoning old tribal notions of independence. We are now a connected species almost without exception. The "bums on the street" are my problem and yours, they cost money whether we hand it to them directly or not. People suffering alone in their homes are financially, spatially and socially connected to all of us and not in some woo-woo spiritual sort of way. We're all connected economically and politically and commercially, through walls and across borders in concrete, measurable, fractally complex but statistically relevant - in some cases deterministic - ways. Truly no man is an island and the sooner we get that through our heads the sooner we can vote, buy, and interact in a way that produces those outcomes we all seem to agree are good for us (a safe climate, physical safety and a forgiving, supportive society)

If you read that and didn't see any action items let me TL;DR you:

It stands self evident that Earth is where we live, and whether we make it better or worse we're living here for the rest of our lives. Regardless of ideology we all have objective relationships with clean air, with mortality and with personal liberty and it is only by continual, deliberate bias in our every day decisions that we improve those things. The way we make it better is one decision at a time, all the time and accept that we can only approach perfection.

Anyway downvote the shit out of me for caring, I'm used to it.

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