Unless there has been leaps and Bounds in testing…. Only way they are gonna be checking for lsd is with hair or a spinal tap. It’s not an easy drug to test for.
Now if you had some brown acid bunk shit it could contain mdma/opiodd etc. that can be tested for. So fingers crossed for you that it’s clean acid.
Also old man hippy here…. You should really wait to fuck with acid until your in your 20s and mom is not an issue. Acid does some crazy shit to the brain. I’ve lost friends in their 30s from having acid induced schizophrenia. Like they went completely bat shit crazy. It really unlocks brain passageways and sometimes not in a good way. It’s not good for a developing teenage brain. I mean I tripped a bunch as a kid so who am I to talk… but as I’ve gotten older that is one drug I have lost a lot of normal friends too.