What Kind of Fascist am I?

but there are many different types that can be a lot to take in.

There really isn't, just minor variations in the knots on the same thread each fit to it's own country and culture which obviously makes sense as Fascism is purely Nationalism not internationalism. The main tenets between them are generally the same.

You have to really look at the foundational ideas and tenets you subscribe to and if those that you listed, Christian values, traditionalism, anti-semitism and anti-Communism, are the focal points of your views than would definitely suggest reading up on the Croatian Ustasha/Ustaše. The main principles of the Ustasha were built upon a Catholic state as the foundation with the patriarchial family central as the means to maintain social order and morality ("The essence of the moral strength of the Croatian people is found in an orderly and religious family life"). They held forced conversion ceremonies, the Serbs, Jews, Roma and Communists of Croatia, were interned in concentration camps, the largest of which was Jasenovac. They were absolutely up front about these beliefs, the manner in which they got rid of their enemies is legendary.

Another party you may like are the Rexists of Belgium who called for the "moral renewal" of their country "through dominance of the Catholic Church, by forming a corporatist society and abolishing liberal democracy" and they too idealized traditional family values while also wanting Belgium to return to traditional rural living.

Lastly would look into Estado Novo or "The New State", a Fascist party of Portugal during the early 1930's that ran up until the early 60's under the great (António de Oliveira Salazar)[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ant%C3%B3nio_de_Oliveira_Salazar]. The Estado Novo was an authoritarian regime strongly opposed to Communism, liberal ideals and embracing Catholicism. They enforced nationalist and conservative Roman Catholic values upon the population and their education system was focused entirely on the exaltation of the Portuguese nation and Catholicism. The motto of the regime was "Deus, Pátria e Familia" meaning "God, Fatherland, and Family."

You may also be interested in a list I made of the interwar and WWII era Fascist parties and their main tenets and attributes: Link here

/r/DebateFascism Thread