What I have learned by copping near all my grails.

Yea I spent 2006-2010ish obsessing over getting clothes like that. Since then I haven't made any major clothing purchases. Just new raw jeans every other year. And some new sneakers when my current ones wear out. And when I'm making outfits I just throw what the fuck ever on and don't even think about it. I have become more of a fan of what I like to call effortless style. Where I can kind of tell they just threw shit together, things they've been wearing for years. I get extremely deflated when I notice somebodies style is comprised mostly of brand new clothes. Ya gotta start somewhere though, I guess.

Having your grail pieces, so to speak, it is cool I guess. Thing is you'll just come up with another thing to get. And another. And another. After too long I flat out got bored of the chase. Once I got there I looked back at what I have. There is plenty to work with, why am I still buying more? Some said grail pieces, I still look in the mirror and I'm like "fuck yea" that same feeling I had before owning it...is still present.

/r/streetwear Thread