"What I learned living in a car for 6 months"

Thank you! I need memory form pillows too!

At first, I was sleeping in my car because my lease recently ended and I was training to be a trucker, so I was gone 5 days a week. Why pay rent while training not being able to sleep at the place.

After awhile, I started to realize how much money was being saved, so I started to do it longer than expected. It got to the point where I said fuck landlords and bankers loan.

Like OP, I use my phone mainly and my laptop together as I hotspot to my laptop. I have a storage unit but today and tomorrow, I've been trashing most of it because it just sits there and I'm paying for it to sit... Obviously I don't need them. I'm gonna put my. Important documents at a safety deposit box in a local bank at the cheapest rate. 45 per year for 10 by 10 inches.

I get my mail through the UPS store. They're great and cheap. 30 dollars for 6 months. They hold Amazon packages or any packages for about a week or two and then start charging storage fees.

My vehicle is a hybrid, so the engine is quiet when using the battery and then turns on to recharge the battery then turn off again to use the battery. Right now, it's about 5 to 6 dollars to idle the vehicle while I sleep. My windows are tinted and my vehicle has a modern style so it blends with the crowd. I sleep at 24 7 fitness areas or krogers. Meijers will tow the vehicle. Walmart is too creepy. Krogers is just perfect for my area.

I take showers at the fitness center since I'm a member.

My diet right now is taco bell. I'm still discovering the perfect car dweller diet on the cheap. It's tempting to cook ramen but I need a portable power station. I'm currently looking at Amazon for a good portable power station or Aliexpress.

I plan to replace my hybrid with a full electric suv and never rent or pay a mortgage again. When I buy a house, it will be in cash. No loan. No debt. I will never rent again.

/r/urbancarliving Thread