What have you learnt from MAFS?

You seem to be fixated on the personal "like" but a lot of comments on the participants' personality aren't about "liking" them. When I say that Jamie is mean, you might hear "I don't like Jamie" (true but irrelevant) but that's not what I'm saying. What I am actually saying is "his attitude and what it says about him isn't conductive to a healthy marriage". Regardless of who that wife is.

Jamie and Beth both felt positively giddy about how they both lied to the experts about wanting kids. They think it's a good sign. It's not. That kind of attitude is detrimental to marriage and will come back to bite them in the ass (in fact, it already has).

Amber feels like her marriage and Matt are amazing but despite her feelings, it's clear that Matt isn't ready or committed to marriage. This will lead to a divorce, whether she can see it or not.

I don't see too many people saying "Deonna is too adventurous and I'm a homebody, I don't like her" or "Greg is too religious and I'm not, I don't like him". People are saying "this participant has X trait of character or attitude that makes them not ready for marriage".

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