What was it like to finally move away from the area you grew up in?

Words fail to describe how freeing it is... I moved about 3 hours away to attend university, but those 3 hours make a massive difference. I'm from a small town-- it's a bit of a spiritual black hole that'll suck you in and never let go.

Before I moved, I was horribly depressed and got addicted to a whole pharmacopoeia of drugs... that town sucked the life out of me and only served to exacerbate my addiction. I spent last summer after graduating high school at a rehab center, and in those 3 weeks my life had changed for the better. I got my head straight before heading off to ly first year of college-- which is coming to a close in a matter of days.

I have to go back to my hometown for the summer, but after getting out of that sad little place for a year and learning how to be on my own, I grew a lot... I learned how to love myself unconditionally and take care of myself where my parents had fallen short.

I know it won't be all that bad this time around. I already have the lease signed for my first-ever apartment next semester, and I can't even describe the feeling of peace that gives me. My finite world of small-town boredom feels infinitely bigger, and I couldn't be happier for my future :)

/r/AskReddit Thread