What was it like for you to quit watching porn?

I was into NoFap a few years ago when I was feeling really depressed and had nothing going for me. I wasn't addicted, and I didn't blame porn/masturbation for my problems or anything, but I thought that if I took away my unlimited supply of sexual stimuli, I could hijack my sexual desires to motivate myself to talk to women and get dates.

I cut porn/masturbation from my life for about 4 months before getting back into it (albeit at a significantly lower rate). Long story short, it didn't help me get laid (I had other problems), but it really put things into perspective for me.

Like I said, I was really depressed, and a part of that was complete asexuality towards women (in real life, and eventually even in porn). After about 2 weeks without a release, that completely changed. I remember I started noticing the women around me in a more sexual way, and weird things would turn me on. Like, the color of their eyes, or the nape of their neck. These were girls I wouldn't have found attractive before (because I was so critical of their looks, "2/10 would not bang" style) and now I was finding things about them that were attractive. They were always somewhat attractive, but I was so fucked up I couldn't see it.

It was completely exhilarating because, for someone like me who had had lost all my emotions, I was suddenly feeling things. Mostly frustration, but the fact that I could feel that frustration was such a relief. It reminded me that I was human, and not a robot.

Since I didn't have porn to give me a dopamine fix, I started improving myself. If you ever cut masturbation out of your life, you soon realize that you need something to replace it with, or else it drives you mad. It becomes all you think about. (Now I can totally relate to these priests who rail against what we consider to be "tame" sexuality on television/movies, because those things would totally set me off when I didn't have access to pornography.)

So, I started working out, and I started working on my hobbies. This made me feel better about myself, like I was actually productive, and I started to gain confidence, which made me more attractive to women in general. They started noticing me... or at least, I started noticing them noticing me.

Also, I started working on instinct... I'd see a woman and suddenly I was talking to her about some shit just because I wanted to hear what her voice sounded like. I should mention that during this time I became incredibly turned on when listening to women speak while maintaining eye contact... Looking back on it now, I went totally fucking insane during this time.

Anyway, I did end up going on a few dates during this time because it motivated me to get on a few dating websites, but nothing really came of it. Nonetheless, I found a happy median where I was comfortable masturbating once every week (instead of 1-2 times per day), and it's been great so far. The whole experiment gave me a bit of a "shock" to my system and I'm totally glad I did it.

That being said, I need to stress that I don't think porn or masturbation is wrong or anything. I'm not judgemental or anything. But for me, this was the hormonal defibrillation that I needed to motivate me to get out and do shit instead of wallowing in self pity playing with myself all day.

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