What It's Like To Live as An Ugly Girl

I'll keep it 100 with ya.

I'm an attractive man. I get 7-8/10 usually. I will not deny that. I am quite athletic, as if I made a deal with a crossroad's demon. My family is well off, now, but was poor. I am fairly intelligent. Don't even have to study in college to keep 4.0.

I will not deny I hit a genetic jackpot. Nor will I deny it is not helpful. But I say this to give some context.

You say personality means shit, and all that matters is looks. I want you to keep in mind what I said above. When my family was poor, before they got their break, my dad was a bad alcoholic. A very abusive household, and I was the scapegoat. I was the chicken, and he was Tyson. School wasn't safe for me either. I am a very quiet person, and people fucked with me because of it. Partly cause I am just a quiet person, partly cause of what was happening at home, and had been depressed from the age of 5, my earliest memory, so probably earlier. I too, despite being good looking, have had shit thrown my way my entire life, physically and verbally. At home, and at school. I didn't have a safe place either, myself. I grew up, he got sober, shits cool. But I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) as a result. Guess how long my longest 'relationship' is? 2 weeks. From meet to "get the fuck away from me." I don't even know if I can say I have been in a relationship, just talked to girls. Haven't talked to one in 6 years now though. Not a fan of hurting people. So I am attractive, athletic as all get out, well off, and intelligent, but I can not get a girl for the life of me. So what is going on? It's my personality. I not always a nice person, because of my disorder. I do some down right shitty things, because of my disorder. Nothing malicious, or to beat someone down. I am not a mean person. I just do not handle attachment and abandonment well, and my disorder make me do some illogical things because of those two things.

I can understand why you think looks are what matter because of how you get treated. It sucks. And it makes sense. But you also have to realize nobody has given you a chance, based on your looks, for you to see that personality does matter. Having looks means shit if your personality pushes everyone away anyway. But also, I can see how having personality means shit if your looks push everyone away. Either way you look at it, neither mean shit without the other.

I do not mean to sound like I am undermining your adversity, if it sounds as such. I am not. I am just giving some context. I don't want you to think if you were good looking then life would be a guaranteed cake walk. You very well may still have gotten shit on. Sometimes life is just plain shitty, regardless. I have 4 suicide attempts myself. I've put myself in a little coma nap. 5 days, but still. I made the ER flip their shit, rushing around one time. My heart was close to just stopping. Potassium was like 1.25 when 2 is getting fatal, or something along those lines. just very unlucky on being successful, when it would do the job. A 1/3 of my left forearm is a scar, self-inflicted. I've dislocated my shoulder, on purpose. I may be attractive, athletic, well off, and intelligent, but my life is closer to yours than to your friend. Nobody adores me, everybody runs. It hasn't been fun-filled and wonderful. It's been filled with beatings, blood, harsh, down right mean words, and lonely. People are mean. If it wasn't your looks, it may very well have been something else.

If it makes you feel like justice has been served that someone attractive has been treated like shit, go for it. If it makes you feel half decent about yourself, I give you permission. Whole-heartedly, go ahead, if it'll help you. If someone is gonna shit on me, at least one person gets something helpful out of it. I may have been dealt a better hand, but it still a pretty shitty hand regardless. I learned something. Fuck people. Fuck them and their bullshit. It doesn't even pierce me anymore. They don't run my life, I DO. I am not going to break down and become an asshole because assholes made me bitter. I am going to continue to be me. I may die alone, but I'm at least going to die with my pride intact, and peace of mind I wasn't one of the assholes. I refuse to die and have my pride taken from me.

Pride: Satisfied sense of attachment toward one's own or another's choices and actions. This definition, not having an over inflated ego.

My entire point is, life is not as simple as your experiences have taught you it is. It does not equal looks = good life, ugly = bad life. There may be patterns, but it is not black and white. Just, ya ain't alone, the reasons may be different, but still resulted in the same shit. I may not know what its like to be ugly, but I do know what its like to be shit on, 24/7 by damn near everybody, from birth and life to just be a giant shitstorm, and ask "the fucks the point of living?" for the entirely of my 25 years.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread