What It's Like To Transcend Gender Expectations [TW: Everyday Feminism]

I don’t do anything small. I can’t. It’s just who I am. I am fat, boisterous, and there is thunder in my thighs and heart. I have a lot to say and a lot of being my unapologetic, bodacious, beautiful self to do.

And I bet she says it whether anyone wants to hear it or not. I'm sure very in your face and unapologetic, especially when completely wrong and creating drama where none exists.

way I look disrupts the monotony of life and brings glitter and new forms of beauty to the world around me.

I always love the narcissism. The world is all about me and the world orbits around me me me. Anything that might upset the harmony around me, by like, challenging me in any way, is icky and must be yelled at.

Sometimes people respond really well to me, and we eat cookies together. Sometimes I also get verbally or physically assaulted.

Those who worship at your feet get cookies. I'm sure verbal assaults happen with frequency whenever the mouth is opened.

I can’t sugarcoat it: I experience a lot of violence because my gender threatens traditional notions of what it means to be a man or a woman.

Notice how it is always someone hating this little snowflake portion of their lives? Its never their inherent personality that's the problem. It must be all the stupid muggles just clutch their pearls and faint at the site of the magnificence. Because it's 1950 and we all go run back to church and pray when we see some glitter.

Some people call this gender fluidity. My loving sibling aptly refers to my gender as “an everything bagel.” The term that I use to describe this part of myself is genderqueer.

I find it fascinating how must they love labeling themselves. The deep desire to pigeon hole themselves are astounding. What a one dimensional person. This is all they are. It's sad.

Essentially, the idea of gender fluidity starts with the radical notion that gender is not neatly contained within the binary of man and woman.

Have you noticed that everything is "radical" all the time. "Playing house, the radical notion that children pretend to be adults in a little house". "Playing COD, the radical notion that people with free time shoot each other online".

It has to be radical because otherwise its just making up labels to describe themselves in an endless game of one-upping each other.

It is about seeing gender as not two categories meant to contain, but as a galaxy, with infinite points, connections, and possibilities.

Unless you have to stop talking for 30 seconds and be exposed to anyone else, then it all collapses into a black hole.

Gender policing is extremely common and happens in everyday conversation, from calling men “sissies” or telling them to “be a man” for being emotional, to calling women “sluts” and telling them to “act like a lady.”

Good thing there's no secret police attacking those that don't use the right gender terms or anything.

Growing up in a world where women are supposed to be soft and nurturing and boys are supposed to be tough and stoic while being my strange, strong, genderqueer self was the ultimate trip sometimes.

What era did you grow up in? Being gay or trans or whatever label you want to apply to yourself hasn't been odd or weird in quite awhile outside of smaller enclaves or individual families. As far as I know, every city I've been to has a vibrant and fairly obvious gay community. Or is this just projecting mommy's disappointment in you and not validating whatever your issues are?

The problem with labeling yourself is the pathological need for everyone to call you that. This meets with limited success when you jump in everyone's face about your issues that your regular person walking around doesn't give a shit about.

To say that the world greets gender fluidity with open arms and excitement would be a lie.

Is that's the real goal? For all your uniqueness you just can't get people interested in you or like you. Glitter doesn't make anyone give a shit about you. And since you're single dimensioned, no one really cares.

Have fun with that, hater! My gender is an everything bagel, and I don’t have time for people who try to make my light less bright.

So if they don't worship you and feed your narcissism, then you reject them as being some "hater" or whatever. The mental delusion is strong with this one.

I’ll just be over here looking hella cute, living my gender fabulous dream life. I’ve got one hand in the pocket of my faux leather jacket and the other hand is holding up and celebrating all of the beautiful beings who have genders, bodies, and aesthetics that sparkle into new ways of living and loving one another in a world that hurts a lot.

So trendy and unique. And fabulous. And precious, and why won't anyone else acknowledge my snowflake!!?? The world is so cruel when it turns out it orbits the sun and no the snowflake.

Fleetwood Luxery is a body-positive lover and artist who uses performative education and high glitz aesthetics aimed at created public incitement and bizarre spectacle in both digital and physical realms.

What a snowflake name. How can anyone not like someone who has every single possible unique thing about them on the outside? Such an iconoclast, desperate to address the U.N. about glitter subsidies for third world countries. So posting on tumblr and trying to eschew all the horror and non-existent violence perpetrated on them by blogging a lot is changing the world to orbit her/it/them/gq/tx/whatever.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Link - archive.is