What It's Like When Reddit Wrongly Accuses Your Loved One Of Murder

My evidence that Bob wouldn't lie about that is common sense. When someone gives me reason to believe that's a bad thing to lean on, I'll stop trusting common sense.

I find your comparisons between Bob and 3 lenscrafters sources and Jay to be not common sense....because Jay has admitted to lying under oath. You haven't even provided evidence that Bob may have lied except maybe everybody lies.

That's true, they can't all be guilty, and they can all be innocent. but you're in a thread talking about reddit falsely accusing someone of the Boston Bombings. Do you find these speculations to be on that scale? Do you think that's a fair comparison to our weird little addict niche? Did you hear Bob claiming Don was a murderer in his most listened to podcast? I heard Bob say Lenscrafters confirmed that the January 13th timesheet is falsified. There's plenty of evidence beyond that. For example, if the time card had been on the level, I see no reason why Lenscrafters wouldn't have had it with his #162 time sheet to be handed over at the same time. The fact that Urick had to call for it suggests that timecard wasn't available when pulling up Don's records. That's weird. The second is Don wasn't paid overtime. You may not think that's a big deal, but it's a huge deal. And corporations don't like being nailed for labor law violations, that's a lawsuit. That's liability. That's a no no. I find it hard to believe a corporation the size of Luxottica isn't extremely diligent in their timekeeping with regards to overtime payment. Next, upon sending the second timecard that was located, the lenscrafters employee made sure to point out that Don was not on the schedule, even though write in employees were written in, and call outs were crossed off, and his Mom was the manager. Now individually these all may not seem like a big deal..but they're not isolated incidents, they're abnormalities for his record on the day his girlfriend disappeared. I think that warrants further investigation. I think it should've been investigated 16 years ago. I think it should be investigated today. I find it hard to believe that given all that evidence anybody can say the victims boyfriend was rightfully cleared bc BCPD called his work and they recited that 1/13 timecard. Should Bob be the one doing it? I don't know, but if an innocent kid got sent to jail bc police fucked off their job, I sure am glad somebody is doing it.

/r/serialpodcast Thread Parent Link - businessinsider.com