What do lists of crimes committed by "trans-women" prove?

I did open and read the RELATIVE studies.

Studying the brains of natal women will not prove anything about natal males. How do you not see that?

Studying the brains of intersex people does not prove anything about natal males. How do you not see that?

To state these things is a lie, and I suspect you know that.

I do not deny that the things you have linked represent what science has found, what I deny is that the studies on the brains of natal females and the studies on the brains of intersex people have anything to do with the fact that natal males commit a tremendous amount of violence against females.

Even if I received a doctorate and led the world in studying the brains of intersex people and trans natal females, I would not claim that they indicated ANYTHING about the natal male's brain . Again, to do so is a lie.

I did read the one study that you posted which referred to 18 trans natal males and brain patterns. One study of 18 trans natal males does not prove anything about the natal male's brain in relation to violence against women.

I will admit that I find it interesting, but it has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

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