What is the longest amount of time you have gone without bathing?

A month.

Yeah… but hear me out.

At first (four days) you start to smell pretty bad.

But if you keep going, (I think) the good bacteria takes over and nothing smells. Your pits don’t stink, your crotch doesn’t stink, you run your finger across your ass and it doesn’t stink… but your hair does.

After a few weeks, the odors come back pretty hard. I think the bad bacteria starts winning.

While nice to have weeks of being completely odorless, the issue is that when you do shower again, there’s so much dead skin to rub off that it takes like an hour.

Ultimately, it’s not worth it. But I will say that in my experiments on this I have come to the conclusion that soap sells deodorant that we don’t really need. We just need to exfoliate ourselves.

So, wash your body but dodge your pits. Skip the deodorant and wait a week. Blow your mind at how you smell like nothing.

Disbelieve all you want but try it before you try to debate me.

/r/AskReddit Thread