What do you love most about your SO?

My boyfriend is one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. He’s incredibly determined and disciplined. He says what he means and follows through. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone I trusted wholeheartedly. We’ve been together 2 years and he’s changed me for the better. He’s actually really funny, and he doesn’t think I find him funny but he is, and most of the time I can’t help but smile and laugh when I’m around him. He takes care of me in different ways than you would expect. He shows me how to be better financially, how to think before I act, he’s taught me how to control impulses, I’ve never had more than maybe 150 in my savings account and now I have almost 10k saved up. He invests his time into me, which says a lot because he’s always busy with school or work, he would take out my trash for me, clean up, help with dishes, he’ll get excited to watch a marathon of Harry Potter with me. I used to think love HAD to be like the movies, and your SO was supposed to shower you with hugs and kisses and gifts, tell you they love you every second of every day. But I’ve learned through him that love comes in many different forms, and it’s better than the movies portray! I love getting to brag about him because he’s seriously the best person I know, such a genuine person who means well. That is what I love most about him :)

/r/AskMen Thread